


Sat, January 30, 2021

11:00 AM – 1:00 PM CST



Nashville, TN

United States


THIS EVENT IS SOLD OUT - WWW.EDUCATORSCOOPERATIVE.ORG FOR INFO & FUTURE EVENTS INCLUDING APRIL'S ANITRACIST TEACHING PANEL Join us on Feb, 27, 2021 for EdCampNash and connect with teachers eager to continue the work and collaboration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/edcampnash-2021-registration-126115052517 Join our guests Dr. James Loewen, Dr. Ricki Gibbs, Elois Freeman, and teachers from all over the area for a discussion and examination of the evidence of white supremacy culture in our schools and classrooms. The spotlight on the need to engage in the work of becoming actively antiracist has never been brighter and the urgency of getting it right for our students has never been more acute. Teachers play an indispensable role in this work in hundreds of thousands of classrooms across the country every day. We began exploring solutions at 2019's EdCo Summer Collective with keynote speakers Chakita Patterson and Dr. Mona Ivey Soto. They started each day with keynote addresses that helped teachers identify the challenging self-work needed, ways to identify evidence of racism embedded in our systems, as well as the power of knowing our own stories and relationships with race. We continued the conversation in July 2020 with Dr. Ansley Erickson, Jose Luis Vilson, and Christiane Buggs. They joined more than 100 educators for a discussion of the legacy of segregation and white supremacy in our school systems and classrooms. We will continue this work and to investigate clues into the ways our work should be oriented as we continue to grow as antiracist teachers and learners.